1. "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years." ~ Mark Twain
2. "By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong." ~ Charles Wadsworth
3. "A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be." ~ Carol Coats
4. "If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right." ~ Bill Cosby
5. "To be a successful father...there's one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don't look at it for the first two years." ~ Ernest Hemingway
6. "A man's desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world." ~ Helen Rowland
7. "The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf." ~ Bertrand Russell
8. "A father carries pictures where his money used to be." ~ Author Unknown
9. "The thing to remember about fathers is... they're men. A girl has to keep it in mind: They are dragon-seekers, bent on improbable rescues. Scratch any father, you find someone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors, believing change is a threat, like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle..." ~ Phyllis McGinley
10. "Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards." ~ Robert Orben
11. "Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be very rough." ~ Wilhelm Busch
Nothing in life can be both under-appreciated and rewarding at the same time, except for being a father. Let these 11 funny quotes remind you just how special dad is this Father's Day.
For more funny quotes, check out the popular funny quotes section of Famous-Quotes-And-Quotations.com, a website that specializes in 'Top 10' lists of quotations in dozens of categories.http://www.famous-quotes-and-quotations.com/funny-quote.html
2. "By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong." ~ Charles Wadsworth
3. "A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be." ~ Carol Coats
4. "If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right." ~ Bill Cosby
5. "To be a successful father...there's one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don't look at it for the first two years." ~ Ernest Hemingway
6. "A man's desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world." ~ Helen Rowland
7. "The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf." ~ Bertrand Russell
8. "A father carries pictures where his money used to be." ~ Author Unknown
9. "The thing to remember about fathers is... they're men. A girl has to keep it in mind: They are dragon-seekers, bent on improbable rescues. Scratch any father, you find someone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors, believing change is a threat, like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle..." ~ Phyllis McGinley
10. "Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards." ~ Robert Orben
11. "Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be very rough." ~ Wilhelm Busch
Nothing in life can be both under-appreciated and rewarding at the same time, except for being a father. Let these 11 funny quotes remind you just how special dad is this Father's Day.
For more funny quotes, check out the popular funny quotes section of Famous-Quotes-And-Quotations.com, a website that specializes in 'Top 10' lists of quotations in dozens of categories.http://www.famous-quotes-and-quotations.com/funny-quote.html